Saturday, October 13, 2012

Important documents/photocopies

Still on the same note as the previous post, having extras of important documents will always be useful. Like the pictures, they will be required by many people (i.e. bank, uni, rez, insurance, etc...).  Before leaving it is a good idea to make photocopies of all the important documents, so you have extra copies on hand when you get to your exchange destination, but also leave a copy of all the documents you are bringing at home, just in case.  That way all your bases are covered.  If by same stroke of bad luck your stuff gets stolen, you won't loose everything because you'll have copies of those important documents at home, so someone will be able to scan them and send them your way.  It also allows you to not have to search for a photocopying place when you get there, which is always a good thing if you are going somewhere where there might be a language barrier.

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